Friday, March 22, 2013

Music: breathing of statues. Perhaps:
silence of paintings. You language where all language
ends. You time
standing vertically on the motion of mortal hearts.
Feelings for whom? O you the transformation
of feelings into what? –: into audible landscape.
You stranger: music. You heart-space
grown out of us. The deepest space in us,
which, rising above us, forces its way out,–
holy departure:
when the innermost point in us stands
outside, as the most practiced distance, as the other
side of the air:
no longer habitable.
– Rainer Maria Rilke

"fuck you" live in tha pit

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

anthropology 101

beck video brought this to mind. watched something similar in anthro 101. weirdly powerful stuff. saw someone fall out and speak in tongues once upon a time. just think what we can channel into our creational selves...

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Beck covers David Bowie's, 'Sound and Vision.'
I will tell you, this turned me into a weeping child.
Pure genius, stars bellowing perfect beautiful bottomless light.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


so this chick is obviously five fucking shades of bat-shit crazy, but the objects she makes intrigue me.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Grand Canyon Sun Down

Bob Dylan's, "Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie." Please, Let us disregard this ridiculous video and pay mind strictly to the audio. Seriously, this video is for shame.

Paul, Crow & Bisquit

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Ima shake you off though


"One Indian summer day we dressed in our favorite things, me in my beatnik sandals and ragged scarves, and Robert with his love beads and sheepskin vest. We took the subway to West Fourth Street and spent the afternoon in Washington Square. We shared coffee from a thermos, watching the stream of tourists, stoners, and folksingers. Agitated revolutionaries distributed antiwar leaflets. Chess players drew a crowd of their own. Everyone coexisted within the continuous drone of verbal diatribes, bongos, and barking dogs.
We were walking toward the fountain, the epicenter of activity, when an older couple stopped and openly observed us. Robert enjoyed being noticed, and he affectionately squeezed my hand.
'Oh, take their picture,' said the woman to her bemused husband. 'I think they're artists.'
'Oh, go on,' he shrugged. 'They're just kids.'"
-Patti Smith
Just Kids

Sunday, February 3, 2013

last night.

last night i dreamed that i was in a friends sunny new  house. while wandering around i found myself descending into a subterranean room. it was half brick cathedral, half cavern. it smelled like wet earth and something else. a trace of oil paint or turpentine. it was well lit for a cathedral-cave, the walls glowed amber and even the farthest reaches of the ceiling were visible. as i walked around i started to notice hundreds of tiny brightly colored birds nesting like swallows up in the high cracks and nooks in the walls of mud and stone and brick. hundreds of bright red yellow and blue birds about the size of bottlecaps flew in groups of their own color around the space. when i came up close to one of the nests i realized that they were teaching the fledglings how to fly. but most of them were failing. they fell in bright dashes, splatting like paint all around my feet. exactly like globs of paint flung from a brush. it was horrifically tragic, the sounds of tiny primary colored birds splatting all around and me trying to scoop them up and smearing them in my hands as i tried to help. suddenly, as i was on my knees wailing and frantically smearing paint bird guts everywhere, my fifth grade science teacher appeared with a class in tow. they were making colorful bar graphs recording the survival rates of each group of fledglings. i forget which group was the most successful, the red or yellow or blue. mr. davis, in his white lab coat now streaked with primary colors, told that i was being completely irrational, that this was how nature worked, they had hundreds of offspring for this very reason, and that being kind never helped anyone figure out the complex miracle of flight. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

man so small

The Lions Mane Jellyfish is the largest jellyfish in the world. They have been swimming in arctic waters since before the dinosaurs (over 650 million years ago) and are among some of the oldest surviving species in the world.

The largest can come in at about 6 meters and has tentacles over 50 meters long.